满帆 University

满帆 教师 Involved with This Weekend’s Accidental 音乐 Festival

音乐 History Associate Course Director 克里斯带 spearheads Accidental 音乐 Festival.

满帆 教师 Involved with This Weekend’s Accidental 音乐 Festival - Hero image

Last year, 音乐 History Associate Course Director 克里斯带 joined the ranks of those spearheading the music scene in Central Florida by creating the Accidental 音乐 Festival, a multi-day celebration of modern, contemporary, and avant-garde music and educational programming. Sponsored by the non-profit Timucua 艺术s Foundation, the festival’s focus is to increase awareness for professional musicians and composers.

“I started the Accidental 音乐 Festival out of appreciate for the musicians in Central Florida that have been doing creative, 富有表现力的, and challenging music here for so long,克里斯说。. “My desire was to present national and international artists alongside the best of our local musicians, to expose their work to a wider audience and to let creative musicians know that Orlando is a great place to perform.”

The second year of the festival starts today and runs through Sunday, with nine different performances – the majority of which are in Orlando, but some will also be held in Tampa and Sanford. A couple of the highlights, and what Chris suggests 满帆 students might enjoy most, are experimental noise band Deerhoof on Friday night at the Plaza Live Theatre and the 90-member Symphonic Orchestra of Guanajuato on Saturday afternoon at Edgewater High School.

“Deerhoof is one of the most creative and imaginative bands in pop music,克里斯说。. “And the Symphonic Orchestra of Guanajuato is a fantastic orchestra that has performed all over the world. They’ll be performing contemporary classical pieces by Mexican composers – definitely not the typical classical program.”

除了克里斯, several other 满帆 faculty members are involved with the festival, taking part in the Central Florida Composers Forum performance on Saturday evening at the Timucua White House near downtown Orlando. The forum, including 满帆 faculty members Keith Lay (音乐 技术 Chair), Rebekah Todia (音乐制作), Charles Griffin (音乐制作), Dr. 蒂莫西·斯图尔曼(音乐制作), and Thomas Owen (录音艺术) will present a series of Electro-Acoustic compositions, a fusion of live instruments and electronic music.

“I’m doing a couple of songs from an electronic opera I did years ago, and the musician Michelle Amato will be singing,基思说. “I’ll be using the Wii-mote as baton for the conducting to control the electronics. Tim’s piece is for saxophone and electronics, and Rebekah’s is a first-person ambient sequence with live piano.”